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Elton John Never Too Late, fecha estreno película documental 2024, sinopsis, ficha: Disney+

SINOPSIS Con imágenes de conciertos emblemáticos de su carrera muestra a Elton John reflexionando sobre su extraordinario camino al éxito, los obstáculos personales que tuvo que enfrentar y cómo su familia logró cambiarlo.

Entrevista Tito Jackson: Michael Jackson nego su adiccion a las drogas: Reportaje completo de Daily Mirror: 15/07/09 y 16/07/09

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Este artículo es complemento de "Ultimas noticias de Michael Jackson: 15/07/09"

Michael Jackson was confronted by family over drugs - Tito Jackson

Tito Jackson told yesterday how he and his brothers and sisters launched a military-style raid on Neverland to confront Michael over his addiction to painkillers.

The Jackson family had become increasingly alarmed at stories that Michael was hooked on prescription drugs. But Jacko was desperate to keep his worrying habit from them.

Tito said: "I never saw him on drugs. Not once. He deliberately did it away from us. He didn't want his family to know anything about that part of him.

"He did almost everything in his power to make sure we didn't know."

Jacko even ordered his minders to stop his brothers and sisters from getting into his Neverland ranch.

But as the rumours grew, they decided to force their way past the guards. Tito, 55, said: "We had to act. It was me, my sisters Janet, Rebbie and La Toya and my brothers, Jackie and Randy.

"We bust right into the house and he was surprised to see us to say the least.

"We went into one of his private rooms and had a discussion with him. Some of us were crying.

"We kept asking him if it was true what we had heard that he was using drugs.

"He kept denying it. He said we were over-reacting. We also spoke to a doctor and he assured us it was not the situation. He said he was there to make sure Michael was healthy."

But Tito, giving his first interview since 50-year-old Michael's death from a heart attack three weeks ago, was far from convinced. He said: "We didn't know what to believe. We didn't take what Michael said as the truth.

"We talked about it again and again for hours but we just couldn't get through to him. After that occasion we tried many times but his team of people just shut us out, they would not let us close. They literally shut us out.

"I don't know if they were just doing their job or if it they were part of some kind of conspiracy.

"I do know that Michael would say to them 'I don't care who it is, don't let anybody on my property if they haven't called first'."

Tito said the security staff would even set up roadblocks to keep them out.

He added: "In the first few intervention attempts his staff and security would not let us on the property.

"They would block the road into Neverland with other vehicles so we couldn't drive in, all kinds of crazy things.


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Creado por Cintia Alviti el 5 de Agosto 2008

Logo Gabriel García, rediseñado 31/10/22

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